
Common Problems

HTTP Error 502: Bad Gateway, please check the datasource and pmproxy settings

When I try to add a datasource in Grafana, I get the following error: “HTTP Error 502: Bad Gateway, please check the datasource and pmproxy settings. To use this data source, please configure the URL in the query editor.”

  • check if pmproxy is running: systemctl status pmproxy
  • make sure that pmproxy was built with time-series (libuv) support enabled. You can verify that by reading the logfile in /var/log/pcp/pmproxy/pmproxy.log

PCP Redis

Grafana doesn’t show any data

  • Make sure that pmlogger is up and running, and writing archives to the disk (/var/log/pcp/pmlogger/<host>/*)
  • Verify that pmproxy is running, time series support is enabled and a connection to Redis is established: check the logfile at /var/log/pcp/pmproxy/pmproxy.log and make sure that it contains the following text: Info: Redis slots, command keys, schema version setup
  • Check if the Redis database contains any keys: redis-cli dbsize
  • Check if any PCP metrics are in the Redis database: pmseries
  • Check if PCP metric values are in the Redis database: pmseries '[count:10]'
  • Check the Grafana logs: journalctl -e -u grafana-server