

Please see the Installation Guide. There is a simple method using the package manager for Red Hat-based distributions, otherwise it can be installed from source, from a pre-built plugin bundle from the project’s GitHub releases page, or as a container.

Make sure to restart Grafana server and pmproxy after installation the plugin. Eg.

$ sudo systemctl restart grafana-server
$ sudo systemctl start pmproxy

Installation is not finished until you also enable the Performance Co-Pilot plugin via the Grafana Admin configuration:

Open the Grafana configuration, go to Plugins, select Performance Co-Pilot and click the Enable button on it’s page. This will make the PCP data sources and some dashboards available.

Data Sources

Before using grafana-pcp, you need to configure the data sources. Open the Grafana configuration, go to Data Sources and add the PCP Redis, PCP Vector and/or PCP bpftrace datasources.

The only required configuration field for each data source is the URL to pmproxy. In most cases the default URL http://localhost:44322 can be used. All other fields can be left to their default values.


Make sure the URL text box actually contains a value (font color should be white) and you’re not looking at the placeholder value (light grey text).


The Redis and bpftrace data sources need additional configuration on the collector host. See PCP Redis and PCP bpftrace.


After installing grafana-pcp and configuring the data sources, you’re ready to open the pre-installed dashboards or create new ones. Each data source comes with a few pre-installed dashboards, showing most of the respective functionality. Further information on each data source and the functionality can be found in the Data Sources section.