PCP Vector

Query Formats

Time Series

Returns the data as time series. For metrics with instance domains, each instance is shown as a separate target (i.e. line in a line graph). If there are multiple queries defined, all values will be combined in the same graph.


Transforms the data for the heatmap panel. Instance names have to be in the following format: <lower_bound>-<upper_bound>, for example 512-1023 (the bcc PMDA produces histograms in this format).

The following settings have to be set in the heatmap panel options:

Setting Value
Format Time Series Buckets
Bucket bound Upper


Transforms the data for the table panel. Two or more queries are required, and it will transform every metric into a column, and every instance into a row. The latest values of the current selected timeframe will be displayed.

Legend Format Templating

The following variables can be used in the legend format box:

Variable Description Example
$metric metric name disk.dev.read
$metric0 last part of metric name read
$instance instance name sda
$some_label label value anything