PCP Redis


This data source provides a native interface between Grafana and Performance Co-Pilot (PCP), allowing PCP metric data to be presented in Grafana panels, such as graphs, tables, heatmaps, etc. Under the hood, the data source makes REST API query requests to the PCP pmproxy service, which can be running either locally or on a remote host. The pmproxy daemon can be local or remote, and uses the Redis time-series database (local or remote) for persistent storage.

Setup Redis and PCP daemons

$ sudo dnf install redis
$ sudo systemctl start redis pmlogger pmproxy

Query Language

Syntax: [metric.name] '{metadata qualifiers}'


kernel.all.load{hostname == "web01"}
network.interface.in.bytes{agent == "linux"}

Documentation of the pmseries query language can be found in the man page of pmseries.

Query Formats

Time Series

Returns the data as time series. If there are multiple series for a metric, all series will be shown as separate targets (i.e. a line in a line graph). For metrics with instance domains, each instance is shown as a separate target. If there are multiple queries defined, all values will be combined in the same graph.


Transforms the data for the table panel. Two or more queries are required, and it will transform every metric into a column, and every instance into a row. The latest values of the current selected timeframe will be displayed.

Legend Format Templating

The following variables can be used in the legend format box:

Variable Description Example
$metric metric name disk.dev.read
$metric0 last part of metric name read
$instance instance name sda
$some_label label value anything

Query Functions

The following functions are available for dashboard variables of type Query:

Function Description Example
metrics([pattern]) returns all metrics matching a glob pattern (if no pattern is defined, all metrics are returned) metrics(disk.*)
label_values(metric, label) returns all label values for the specified label of the specified metric label_values(kernel.all.uptime, hostname)